4960 44th Lane Avondale
CO 81022
Re-ACT Defense – Responsible and Applied Critical Thinking Defense Course

This is NOT an NRA Shooting Course
Course number: KTG-650
Course Length: 8 hours
Skill Level: Intermediate
Maximum Class Size: 10
Range Requirement: Yes / Airsoft
Course Description: The Re-ACT Defense Course is a force on force class that places students in a number of real world defensive scenarios intended to force critical thinking and decision making. The course is set in a small mock ‘shoot house’ utilizing Airsoft weapons to add to the realism and test the students ability to perform under stress. This course is not the ‘typical’ force on force class that often degrades into a ‘game’.
The course is demanding physically and mentally and requires students to move, run, use barricades, and think on the fly. Friends and family are encouraged to attend this course especially if they reside or work together.
A Pre-Requisite course is required to attend this course: Pre-Requisite class may be any level 1 class (pistol or rifle)
The Re-ACT course includes:
- Safety Briefing and Equipment Operation
- Critical Thought and Decision making process
- Basic home defense techniques
- Use of Cover / Concealment review
- Movement through structures
- Team movement inside and outside the home (pairs)
- Numerous scenarios challenging each student
- Extensive peer review
Other Information:
- Student may use quality Airsoft weapons or rent equipment at the facility ($20/day + ammo)
- Range fee is $20/day payable to the facilitySign up for this class now!