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A few weeks ago I was contacted by a representative from a Colorado optics company, SwampFox Optics, to review and demo a line of low cost but high quality tactical optics geared mainly toward the tactical shooting market.
Upon a cursory look at this new companies website, I noted prices for most of their products to be at the very low end of comparable optics so I was not expecting much in the way of quality. Normally, I’d turn down an offer to spend a day evaluating a product (we do not get paid to evaluate products), however, this was for a local Colorado startup, so we decided to move ahead with the demo as we wanted to at least give a local company a look.
We arranged a demonstration on Saturday, May 4th prior to our Night Fire class later that evening. The SwampFox crew showed up at our range around noon and we proceeded to start the evaluation, on the Kenaz Tactical team were me, Mike, Shawn and Angel as well as a few of our long time students.
The SwampFox team consisted of the companies Marketing Manager, Photographers, and the company CEO.
After some introductions and chat about the product, we began testing, this is where I realized that perhaps we had stumbled on something pretty special. Our team evaluated the Tomahawk LPVO, Kingslayer Holographic sight, Liberator Red Dot sight and a new unreleased Precision rifle optic.
The first thing we all noticed about the products were that these were not airsoft quality, in fact, the glass, reticles, construction and durability is top notch. I spent an hour trying to destroy a red dot with my 870.. the dot didn’t budge off zero. Others on the team worked on the Tomahawk LPVO and Kingslayer as well as the precision rifle optic to be announced soon.
To save a writing a book, I have to say I was thoroughly impressed by all of the optics evaluated and not only recommend purchasing if you are in the market for a budget optic that performs at a MUCH higher level, I have personally ordered 2 Liberators and a Tomahawk LPVO for my personal weapons.
The Tomahawk series LPVO’s are available in 1-4, 1-6 and 1-8×24 with pricing starting at $269.00. They are available with a Dot BDC or Cross MOA reticle and come with a throw lever. Mounting options available for an additional $59.99.
Priced at an incredible $179.99 The Liberator is a super compact, highly accurate Point-of-Aim Red Dot Sight. A clear 1X magnification with a bright 3 MOA red dot allows for lightning fast sight picture acquisition with both eyes open. Light weight but tough, it is engineered to withstand 800 Gs of impact. It is waterproof, fog resistant and features hydrophobic & anti-scratch coatings on the ruby red, anti-glare lenses.
Finally, coming in at $219.99 The Kingslayer is a super compact, highly accurate micro reflex open red dot sight featuring a precise, crisp 3 MOA dot allowing you to quickly acquire a sight picture with both eyes open while focusing through to the target. For reciprocating pistol slide platforms, remove the Picatinny mount to reveal an RMR-compatible footprint underneath. For rifle or shotgun platforms, Kingslayer comes with a low profile 1913 Mil-Std Picatinny mount already installed. Kingslayer is waterproof, fog resistant and features a scratch resistant, ruby red anti-glare lens coating. Built like a tank, Kingslayer can withstand 800 g’s of impact and maintain zero come what may.
Overall, our entire team, including our students were very impressed with the quality, durability and clarity of all the optics tested. If you are looking for a high quality entry level optic that performs well ahead of it’s price point, SwampFox is the way to go.
USE CODE KTGSTUDENT19 to receive 20% off your next order!!